
New coach of Sevilla

Diego Alonso is now officially the new coach of Sevilla, replacing José Luis Mendilibar, dismissed earlier this week. The Uruguayan coach is already in the Spanish capital and this Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m., he will lead his first training session in charge of the Andalusian team. He will be the fourth coach for the Sevillians in just over a year.

For his part, Mendilibar thanked the fans for all their support and trust in the club through an emotional letter. After leading Sevilla in 28 official matches. This 2023/24 season and had recorded a balance of two wins, five draws and four losses. And last season, he took the reins of the team, and accumulated eight wins, six draws and three losses between La Liga and the Europa League, the competition he that ended up winning.

An unexpected decision

Alonso sign, as the club has communicated, until the end of the season. The choice has caused surprise. His name had not come out in the pools and, above all, strange because of his no experience in European football. This is a personal bet of Víctor Orta, sports director, on which the board of directors has decided to support the final decision.

Diego Alonso left the Uruguayan team after being eliminated in the first phase of the World Cup in Qatar and previously had a successful career in different South American countries. This will be a risky bet for the general director of Sevilla, who knows that the new coach of Sevilla will have to fight to get out of the relegation position in which it finds itself, if it wants to stay alive in the first Spanish league.

Diego Alonso as Uruguayan coach

Diego Alonso left the Uruguayan team after being eliminated in the first phase of the World Cup in Qatar Source: Google


Julia Francino

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