An Inclusive breakthrough for fashion from Senlima’s ‘Metamorphosis’.

The inclusive Catalan clothing firm Senlima presents its new venture under the name of Metamorphosis. A collection that aims to vindicate in a groundbreaking way the idea that anyone is capable of doing what they set out to do, highlighting the resilience we need to emerge.

The new Metamorfosis products are sweatshirts launched in two lines called Luno and Monto written in the Esperanto language that so characterises the inclusive brand. Combining style and innovation, both lines are designed to make sense and show realities such as, for example, the difficulty people with Down syndrome have in entering the world of work.

A unique collection

The Luno sweatshirts start at a retail price of €69 and come in three different colourways: cream, green and dark grey. On the other hand, the Monto sweatshirts with a choice of black, mint green and pink, among other colours, have a retail price of €64. A fair price set based on the effort and dedication of workers with disabilities who struggle to integrate into a challenging world of work. All this while the brand contributes to the environment in a sustainable way. To help this part of the population that is not so represented, the brand creates jobs for them and while at the same time, it teaches to society how those people have difficulties in the real world. Even so, this company doesn’t expect to sell their products just because they contribute to erradicate an issue, because their clothes have a great desing made with quality.

'Metaformosis' inclusive new collection from Senlima

New collection called ‘Metamofosis’ from Senlima. Source: Senlima

About the inclusive company

The Catalan fashion brand Senlima started its activity in August 2020 by its co-founder, Mireia Calvo. It started when she decided to bet on a group of society with very little representation. In conclusion, Senlima is not only concerned with sustainable development, but its main raison to be is based on facilitating the incorporation of people with disabilities into the world of work. By integrating them as a fundamental part of its workforce, thus creating high-end designer clothing.

Marc Uguet Bonet

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