
DePol wins the 40Music Awards

DePol, the singer from Barcelona, has won his first prize in LOS40 Music Awards Santander 2023 for “Best Artist from the 40 to 1” this past Friday at the  Wizink Center (Madrid). Yet, we can’t still count two years since the young singer signed with the discographic company and DePol already has more than 1.2 million monthly listeners on  Spotify.

Writer and singer of successes such as  Quién Diría or Qué bonita, DePol has achieved this year’s nomination without imagining he would go back home with the prize between his fingers. “This really is madness”, was the first thing DePol said when he got up to the stage to take the recognition. “It is the first time i win anything and I am really nervous. Thank you for listening my music”.

The gala, presented by Tony Aguilar, has reunited the most remarkable talents from all the World. Furthermore it has gifted us with unforgettable shows from  Aitana, Chanel or Take That. It is the first time that DePol has participated  in the award ceremony and, no doubt, he will be coming back next year.

However, is his single Ibiza, that has placed DePol on top of the most-listened rankings. Premiered the past 9th of September, it has already taken a permanent spot as the number 1 on the LOS40 list. His new song, De Fiesta, is a real promise of a bright future.

DePol: A star is born

DePol on the cover of his single 'Ibiza'

DePol on the cover of his single ‘Ibiza’

With only 21 years old, Pol Gutiérrez, better known by his artistic name DePol, already has a place in success. Nevertheless, he started when he was 12 years old to play guitar, besides singing and playing the piano and ukelele. In only two years in stardom he has already turned into one of the upcoming artists of Spanish pop, with a great projection in the national music scene.

Quién diría, DePol’s first single, has over 25 millions of reproductions, giving him a double platinum disque. Moreover, Qué bonita, with more than 14 million listeners, has achieved a golden disque. It is hardly uncommon to not hear him singing on the radio and his sold out concerts are prove that a star is born.

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