
Blanco White is back in Barcelona

It has been four years since Blanco White (Josh Edwards) played his last concert in Barcelona, now he is back. On the 3rd of November 14, 2023, at 20.00h he played a concert in the Razzmatazz, a club in Barcelona. Two days before he played in Madrid, after starting his tour in October in the United States and Canada. The concert in Barcelona was not completely sold out, around 400 people came to see him.


Blanco White and Spain

The artist has a special connection to Spain and Latin America. The reason: his music is especially influenced by flamenco from Spain and by the Charango, a Bolivian guitar. His passion for these styles started with a road trip through Latin America as a child and developed when he studied the guitar in Cadiz in Spain with Nono Garcia as his teacher and when he spent some time in Brazil, discovering the Andean type of music which “reflects the beauty of the Andean nature as no other music does.”.

The concert

The concert of Blanco White was around 1 1⁄2 hours and included older songs from his first studio album On the other side, such as classics like Olalla or Colder Heavens but also new songs, e.g. Giordano’s Dream Pt. 1 from his new album “Tarifa”. Many of the fans knew the songs and sometimes sang along, but most of the time the people just enjoyed the pure music, maybe humming silently. Especially the different kinds of guitars or the additional violins matched in such a way that the audience was just listening, appreciating the music with applause afterward. As his side act, he had MAVICA with him, a 28-year-old musician from Spain.

Sign to Blanco Whites concert in Barcelona

Blanco White is playing with MAVICA in Sala 2 in the Razzmatazz in Barcelona

Fans at the concert

In general, you could say that the atmosphere was very familiar because of the rather smaller room with not such a big crowd. There were also a lot of people of different ages, from 18 but also up to 70. Even after the concert lots of people stayed to buy a T-shirt at the merch shop in the back of the room, to have a chat with Josh Edwards or just to get an autograph or a picture with the musician. Some people travelled eight hours to see Blanco White live in Barcelona. He took the time for everyone, sometimes taking ten minutes or more for one single person. The tour continues in Europe, leading back to its roots in Latin America and ending with concerts New Zealand and Australia.

Chiara Grosserueschkamp

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