
Female Leadership at WOMAN LIDER TIC 2023


In an event highlighting the growing influence of female leadership in technology, the ninth edition of the WOMAN LIDER TIC convention has marked a milestone in Barcelona. Coinciding with the Smart City Expo, this initiative by Dones en Xarxa brought together female leaders from across the country. Emphasizing the importance of their role in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.

group of women at the "WomanLiderTIC 2023" event, representing female leadership in the tech sector

Leaders and Innovators at WomanLiderTIC 2023: goggle

Innovation and Elevation of Female Leadership

The event director, Lourdes Muñoz, emphasized WOMAN LIDER TIC’s goal of being more than an annual event: a continuous movement for female leadership  in technology. This year, the 10th of November, the conference placed special emphasis on contemporary issues such as the ethical application of artificial intelligence, the impact of digital transformation on the media, and the critical need for diversity in technological design.

Visionary Women Shaping Tomorrow’s Technology

A distinctive feature of WOMAN LIDER TIC 2023 has been its focus on networking. Muñoz highlighted the importance of connecting women in technology, from entrepreneurs to business leaders, to improve their visibility and position in the sector. The event also showcased the winners of the Startup Challenge, highlighting innovative projects led by women.

Also, each year, WOMAN LIDER TIC renews its decalogue, adapting to the changing needs of the ICT sector. This practice symbolizes the event’s commitment to constant evolution and relevance in a rapidly changing technological world.

Collaborators in Female Leadership event

The success of the convention has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of entities such as Oracle, Barcelona Activa, Zurich Technology Delivery Center, and the General Directorate of Digital Society. These collaborators have been crucial in providing an enriching and accessible space for debate and collaboration.

In summary, WOMAN LIDER TIC 2023 has not only served as a showcase of female talent and innovation in the ICT sector but has also fostered vital dialogue about the future of technology and the indispensable role of women in it. This event positions itself as a beacon of *female leadership in technology*, inspiring and empowering women across the country.

Paola Arenas

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